sitemap Otakon 2008, Baltimore, Maryland cosplay photoshoot - Steampunk Chad



Otakon 2008 cosplay photoshoot

Steampunk Chad

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Along with Bunny, Chad had assembled his death ray and other steampunk ephemera for a sweet costume. Actually, to tell the truth, he kinda has this stuff on him most of the time anyway, but that's another matter altogether. Along with Bunny, these two intrepid adventurers quested forth to discover... er, some bronze statues and other scenery around the fountains for photos.

Thanks to Chad for kicking it *truly* old school, not to mention putting up with my getting them to wander long distances for photos, and enjoy the photos.


For once, besides being for style, steampunk goggles also serve to block out the light from Mister Blindy, the gold reflector that usually causes cooked retinas.














Our heroes live on for another adventure...


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